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Geo.X Young Academy Talk Series from University of Potsdam

  Scientific Talks

Date: Friday, 6th of October 2020, 3:00 p.m.

Venue: Due to the current situation it will be held as an online event via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 962 4729 1461
Password: 485810

Host: Rebecca Rolph (AWI), on behalf of the Geo.X Young Academy

Speakers: Geo.X fellows presenting their work, details on topics below

Maximilian Hamm

Title: Assimilation of Infrared Data from Near-Earth Asteroid Ryugu

Estimating thermophysical properties and their respective uncertainty provides great insights into the structure of the upper surface layer of planetary bodies. However, due to high computational cost, a simultaneous estimation of multiple thermophysical paramters  remains a major challenge. Data assimilation is an efficient method to simultaneous derive a great number of these parameters and their uncertainties with little computational cost and we apply this method to the dataset observed by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft at asteroid Ryugu.
