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IASS Symposium “Towards Planetary Health” - Evening Reception


Date: 6th of November 2019, 5:30 pm

Venue: Auditorium Friedrichstraße, Friedrichstr. 180, 10117 Berlin

Hosts: Prof. Dr. Patrizia Nanz, Prof. Dr. Mark Lawrence, Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn & Jakob Meyer, Directors of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) Potsdam

Registration Deadline: 23rd of October 2019

In the evening of November 6, 2019, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) will convene a high-level event to celebrate the inauguration for the Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellowship. The first Klaus Töpfer Fellow Nicole de Paula will address the holistic approach of Planetary Health and explain how this approach can be a promising avenue for driving action towards a cleaner and healthier future in times of a climate crisis.

The event also honours the legacy of IASS Founding Director Klaus Töpfer, who has pioneered the transformative approach of the Institute by bridging science, politics and civil society and facilitating societal changes towards sustainability.

You are cordially invited to attend the inaugural lecture and discussion

On November 6, 2019 at 5:30 pm, in the Auditorium Friedrichstraße, Berlin

The goal is to exchange ideas and impressions about the innovative and growing field of Planetary Health, i.e. "the health of human civilization and the state of the natural systems on which it depends." Together with Klaus Töpfer, Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter (tbc), Sabine Gabrysch and Nicole de Paula we would like to discuss how planetary health can be promoted in times of adversarial political conditions marked by the rise of populist and nationalist feelings, notably in times when international cooperation is most needed.

We will be circulating the programme and more detailed information shortly. Please register here by October 23rd.
