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Transdisciplinary Site Visit & Workshop in the Spreewald


Date: 08th September 2023

Venue: Naturhafen, Raddusch

Contact Person: Pauline Münch (IRI THESys) & Jonas Kuppler (Geo.X)

The Geo.Society community in Geo.X is delighted to invite you to join an unconventional excursion. We will be meeting with artists and scientists of the transdisciplinary project ‘Raddusch ohne Wasser‘ to foster exchange beyond your discipline. This opportunity will allow you to explore how artists approach research and discover new ways of scientific storytelling. Be surprised by what awaits you!

For further details, please find below the invitation by the organisers - theatre collective ANTHROPOS EX and the project AnthropoScenes funded by the Berlin University Alliance.


Dear all,

On Sept. 8th from 10:00-15:00, we, the theatre collective ANTHROPOS EX and experimental laboratory AnthropoScenes, invite you to join a transdisciplinary site visit and workshop in the Spreewald. This is a chance to gather new perspectives, try out new methods and experiment with us!

Over the past months, artists, scientists, organisers and local stakeholders in the village of Raddusch have engaged in artistic and scientific research in the Naturhafen (Natural Harbour). The focus of their work has been on an imaginary cube with dimensions of 10 x 10 x 10 metres which ANTHROPOS EX has positioned on the site; encompassing land, water, soil and air. Currently, folks from stage design, sound installations, film, performance and anthropology are exploring the cube, the actors (human and non-human) and the stories that constitute it. Following this phase of radically site-specific research, a two-day art and science festival 'Raddusch ohne Wasser' will take place on September 29th-30th (see attachment).  

As we prepare the hybrid performances, participatory formats and party, we are keen for more scientists from all disciplines to visit the cube and engage in transdisciplinary exchange. 

On Sept. 8th the day will be structured as following; 

10:00-10:30 Introduction to the projects and current collaboration

10:30-11:30 Guided walk around the cube and harbour

12:00-13:00 Lunch (with local specialities)

13:00-15:00 Transdisciplinary Storytelling Workshop led by Max Grünewald (artistic director & actor). In this session, Max will begin with myths and legends and open the floor to create a new tale developed by artists and scientists alike to feature in the festival in September. In this experimental approach we will try to develop a hybrid tale between myth and scientific storytelling, allowing for unusual perspectives, narratives and speculations, that otherwise wouldn't find their way into scientific research. 

Raddusch is accessible from Berlin with the RE 7 (1:05 hour trip). There's a train departing at 08:23 from Hauptbahnhof which would get you there on time to the meeting point (a 10 minute walk to the Hotel Radduscher Hafen, Radduscher Dorfstraße 10, 03226 Vetschau/Spreewald).

If you are interested, please register with Pauline ( by Sept. 5th. A final email to all participants will be sent out a few days before the trip.

Finally, to frame the trip- a quote from  A. Ballesteros Anthropology of Water; "Natural or human made, water as a medium is an active site of engagement where humans and non humans encounter "multiple ways of knowing and defining" what the world is and how one inhabits it (Todd 2014). To grasp these engagements, Helmrich invites us to adjust our instruments and sensors and immerse ourselves in transductive knowledge production forms".

We look forward to meeting you!

Pauline & Max
