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International conference "The mystery of risks – How can science help reconcile perception and assessment?”


Conference within the event series “Crossing Boundaries in Science” (CBiS)

Date: 4th to 6th of July 2019

Location: Potsdam Museum / Hotel Mercure Potsdam

Host: Yvonne Borchert, M.A., Project coordinator, Joint Committee on the Handling of Security-Relevant Research, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

Participation is free, you can register via the following link:

Dear Sir or Madam,

as part of the series Crossing Boundaries in Science, the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina is organizing with the support of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach Foundation the international conference "The mystery of risks – How can science help reconcile perception and assessment?”. The conference will take place 4-6 July 2019 in Potsdam/Germany.

Subject of the conference is the role of science and humanities in perception, assessment and handling of risks in our growingly complex world. How are risks and their perception socially constructed? Have our lives become more dangerous or do we learn too much about potential risks to deal with them objectively? What are commonly overrated or underestimated risks? Does the precautionary principle inhibit scientific progress? Are scientists responsible for creating new risks when providing new knowledge that may be misused for harmful purposes? These and other questions will be discussed within the framework of the three-day conference by scientists from fields such as sociology, economics, psychology, medicine, meteorology and biology. Armin Nassehi (LMU Munich) will be opening the event with the keynote lecture on "Uncertain risks in an uncertain world" at the Potsdam Museum on 4 July 2019 at 6:30 pm. On the following two days, the conference will continue at the Hotel Mercure Potsdam.

We would like to cordially invite you to the conference. You can find the program attached. Participation is free, you can register via the following link: We have reserved a room contingent: rooms at Hotel Mercure can be booked at your own expense until  6 June 2019 giving the keyword "Risiko2019" (0331/ 272 321;

Kind regards,

Yvonne Borchert
