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Geo.X Grow Your Idea Brainstorm Meeting on "Reconstructing Environmental Changes in the Swiss Alps"


Date: 8th - 10th November 2023

Venue: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Contact Person: Norbert Marwan (PIK)

Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to announce the next event in our Grow Your Idea workshop series taking place at PIK:

Reconstructing Environmental Changes in the Swiss Alps

The brainstorm meeting aims to establish an interdisciplinary research group and develop a project proposal focused on utilizing caves and cave-based palaeoenvironmental records to investigate landscape and environmental changes of the Swiss Alps during the late Quaternary.

When: 8-10 November 2023
Where: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Telegrafenberg Building A56, Hasselmann Hall

Please find more information on the following website:

If you are interested to actively participate in the brainstorm meeting, please contact Norbert Marwan (
) for indicating your attendance.

With kind regards
Your Geo.X team
