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13. Januar 2016| Prof. Michel Campillo: "The seismic whisper: what continuous records tell us about the ever-changing Earth."

  Dates & Events

14.00 Uhr

Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ


Hörsaal, Haus H

The first GFZ lecture 2016 will be given by Prof. Michel Campillo (Institut des Sciences de la terre Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France).

The title of the lecture will be

"The seismic whisper: what continuous records tell us about the ever-changing Earth."

The event will take place on January 13, 2016, at 2pm in the lecture hall in building H on Telegrafenberg.

The GFZ lecture is a recently established series of talks given by an outstanding scientist and aims at giving an overview on an important geoscientific research discipline or topic presented in a form so that also non-specialists can get the picture. The lecture will be followed by a reception aiming at fostering interdisciplinary discussion within the GFZ community. Prof. Campillo will be around at GFZ for a few days framing the lecture day and is open to discuss his research with interested colleagues.

Appointments can be organized through Prof. Fabrice Cotton as the host.
