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Georesources Seminar Talk by Oliver Plümper

  Scientific Talks

Date:Tuesday, 21st of April 2020, 11:00 a.m. cancelled!

Venue:GFZ Campus Telegrafenberg Potsdam, Building H, Lecture Room

Host: Dr Joseph M. Magnall, Scientist at Section 3.1: “Inorganic and Isotope Geochemistry” & Dr.-Ing. Thomas Reinsch, Group Leader at Section 4.8: “Geoenergy”, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

Speaker:Dr. Oliver Plümper, Assistant Professor at Utrecht University


Oliver investigates how interactions between minerals and water deep inside the Earth affect large geological processes. These interactions take place at the nanoscale but have effect on such a large scale that they give mountain ranges their stability, for example. When minerals deep in the Earth come into contact with water, a tiny transport system is created that can transport the water through enormous amounts of rock. Understanding these deep processes will benefit the improvement of, among other thing, geothermal energy, extraction of raw materials, and storage of nuclear waste and carbon.


Topic 8: Georesources for the Energy Transition and a High-Tech Society

The Topic 8 seminar series will showcase the latest research in the field of Georesources on a monthly basis, and aims to be accessible and welcoming to all those who are interested on the Telegrafenberg. 
