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Thermodynamic Modelling of Natural Processes using Computer Codes. HCh Software as a Tool to Reveal the Mechanisms of Hydrothermal Ore Deposition.


Date: 8th and 15th February 2022

Speaker: Dr. Maria Kokh

Venue:University of Potsdam, Access upon Registration



Dear colleagues,

It's my pleasure to announce a highly relevant and important workshop by Dr. Maria Kokh in which the HCh software will be learned to conduct thermodynamic modelling making constraints on hydrothermal ore deposition. Addresses are PhD students and finishing MSc students, the present workshop is designed to develop a critical reasoning for the analysis of the results obtained during the thermodynamic modelling of natural systems, as well as to develop skills in the use of thermodynamic databases and available computer codes, especially SUPCRTBL and HCh software. Please find the preliminary program below.

The 2-day workshop will take place at the University of Potsdam, in accordance to the restrictions in respect to the Corona pandemic, which you find here:

Please register by sending me an email before the 1st of February - places are limited so better be quick and do it now.

Best regards

Melanie Sieber


Preliminary program of the course:

Day 1

Computer codes and thermodynamic databases enabling calculations of equilibrium constants and chemical speciation/mineral solubility. SUPCRTBL interface, example of output from SUPCRTBL. SLOP2007 interface, example of output from SLOP2007.

Geological context of the day’s 1 modelling: TP quartz-coesite stability field, quartz solubility in water, equilibrium concentration of hydrogen in atmosphere, solubility of pyrite in hydrothermal fluids, pH and redox mineral buffers. Critical analysis of the obtained results: a lack of thermodynamic equilibrium in the system, an incorrect choice of the solubility controlling mineral, a lack of knowledge about the metal complexes in an aqueous solution.

General structure of a computer code for chemical equilibrium calculations and fundamental thermodynamic relationships.

Day 2

Structure of the HCh software: Unitherm thermodynamic database, the Gibbs code, Main program interface for construction of the input files. Geological context of the day’s 2 modelling: magmatic fluid cooling in a porphyry and related Cu-Au deposit setting. Modeling of the two cases using the HCh software: fluid rises and cools without interacting with host rocks; the same fluid raises, cools and interacts with a granitic-like host rock. Analysis of the obtained results. Questions.


