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Software Carpentry Workshop on Shell, Git and R


Date: 26th - 27th of November 2019

Venue: GFZ Campus Telegrafenberg Potsdam, House H, Room V2+3

Organizers:Bezaye Tesfaye Belayneh et al. The workshop is jointly organised by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), the University of Potsdam, and others.

Target Audience: The workshop is aimed at graduate students to advanced researchers, no prior knowledge on the topics is required.

Registration Deadline: Please register by 13th of November 2019 via this link. The workshop is free of charge.

Together with the advancement of new tools and techniques, and the availability of large datasets in different research domains, a solid understanding of common scripting languages and version control systems is becoming more and more important for many researchers. Having the knowledge and skills on how to use tools and techniques to analyze data efficiently, to preserve research output and to collaborate with peers benefit every research domain. So its important to close the gap between researchers and the know-how for new tools and techniques. Software Carpentry aims to provided this support. It is an interactive workshop including sessions from concepts to practice on topics that can be used in many research domain. The sessions are organized in a friendly environment, where people can learn from each other and share experience. Participants also get support throughout the whole sessions.

The workshop contains Git, Shell and R, and doesn't require previous knowledge. Further details of the workshop is available HERE.
The registration is through this link and will be open from 30Oct, 2019 to 13Nov, 2019.

If you have any question on the workshop, don't hesitate to send us email through
