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Geo.X Grow Your Idea Round Table Discussion on "Exploring the geophysics of rocky planets" Part II


Date: 7th October 2024

Venue: GFZ, Albert-Einstein-Str. 42, 14473 Potsdam

Contact Person:Iris van Zelst

Register now! 7 October - Geo.X round-table on ‘Exploring the geophysics of rocky planets’


Dear colleagues, 

We would like to invite you to our second Geo.X round table discussion on "Exploring the geophysics of rocky planets". During the first round table, held at DLR on July 17, 23 participants got to know each other, shared their work, and sparked potential research ideas.

During the second round table on October 7, we aim to generate more avenues of collaboration and flesh out existing ideas for proposals. These proposal ideas will be fully expanded during the proposal writing retreat for early career scientists in November. 

Note 1: Attendance of the first round table is not required for joining the second.

Note 2: Attendance of at least one of the round tables (in July or October) is required to apply for the writing retreat. Participants for the writing retreat will be selected as there are limited places available. More info on the writing retreat will be coming soon. 

Overall project summary: 
The geophysics of rocky planets has far-reaching implications for planetary formation, evolution, and habitability. This project taps into the huge potential of combining the expertise in planetary physics and geodynamic modelling at the Geo.X partner institutions. To combat the persistent underrepresentation of women in scientific leadership positions in Germany, this project specifically enables female early-career scientists to prepare funding proposals on exciting new research avenues and establish themselves as group leaders within the Geo.X network.

2nd round table - when and where:
On the 7th of October, we will continue our project at GFZ in Potsdam with a program including a short icebreaker, talks, and dedicated break-out sessions to plan potential collaborations and the writing of corresponding research proposals. We will have lunch in the GFZ canteen and end the day with an optional dinner at a nearby restaurant (individually paid by the participants themselves). 

The meeting will take place at: 

Room 129
Building A42
Albert-Einstein-Str. 42
14473 Potsdam

Note that this building is not located on the main GFZ campus, but on your right hand half-way up the Telegrafenberg.

Registration 2nd round table: 
To help with scheduling, please register for this second round table by sending an e-mail to by Friday September 27th at the latest and - if you plan to write a proposal (any proposal) - include the preliminary title of your proposal and the funding scheme you are targeting. 

If you are an early career scientist (7 years from obtaining your PhD) interested in joining the writing retreat in November, please mention this in your e-mail as well. 

Please note that we can only accommodate a limited number of people. We will confirm your participation when registration has closed and inform you of the precise schedule. 

Please also forward this email to any colleagues you think would be interested in participating.

Hope to grow our ideas together,

Iris van Zelst, Anne Glerum, Julia Maia
