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Geo.X ECS Workshop: “Data Publications”


Date: Tuesday 19th April 2022, 10am-11:30am

Venue: Online via zoom, access upon registration

Host:Dr. Melanie Sieber (UP/GFZ)

Dear colleagues,

Publishing your data alongside a research article and as data publications is getting more and more important. Nevertheless, the process, preparation and ways for publishing your data remains unfamiliar to many of us. You can learn in the upcoming online seminar on data publication how to publish datasets and how to publish your data alongside a 'normal' journal paper. This seminar is for everyone who is just curious if they can publish their data, for people who want to publish their data but do not exactly know how they can do this or how they have to prepare for it.


    The workshop will be held by ZOOM and the link will be sent to you after registration.

    Please register by sending a short email with your name and affiliation to Inge Wiekenkamp:

    With kind regards,

    the ECS-core team


