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Geo.X Colloquium on Geothermal Energy


When: 24th of January 2020, starting at 1:00 p.m.

Where: Technische Universität Berlin, building BH-N, room 107

Target group: Students of geoscientific fields and other interested people

Scientific organizers: PD Dr. Simona Regenspurg, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) & Prof. Dr. Thomas Neumann, Chair of Applied Geochemistry, Technische Universität Berlin

Participation is free. Talks will be given in German (with English presentation slides).

Geo.X invites everyone to a one-day colloquium on Geothermal Energy!

Find a flyer including invited guests and a timetable attached below.
