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Open Call of Geo.X - PhD and PostDoc positions in "Geo Data Science"

  Young Academy

Big Data within Geo.X. Geo.X is a strategic partnership of university and non-university institutions dedicated to multi- and interdisciplinary research in the metropolitan region of Berlin and Potsdam. Geo.X spans the whole range of geoscientific disciplines, ranging from planetary science, space-borne Earth observing systems, through atmosphere studies, to material sciences, Earth surface dynamics and to the deep biosphere. Geo.X consists of a variety of interesting data sources and requires novel technology development to manage, analyze, and explore these big data resources. With this call we seek Data Scientists that can tackle these technical challenges together with our geoscientific research.

Focus on Data Science. Our partner institutions aim at a joint Interdisciplinary Young Academy with an open call for PhD and Postdoc candidates in the interdisciplinary area of Data Science with a focus on applications in the geosciences. We invite applications for


4 positions in Geo Data Science

(3-year PhD or 2-year Postdoc positions)


Our Vision. We aim to train a new generation of young scientists with interdisciplinary skills in the intersection of mathematics, computer sciences, and geosciences. We call this intersection of the three research areas “Geo Data Science”. A focus on data science methodologies that tackle geoscientific challenges is mandatory for all applicants. As a key element of this open call, each application has to include a short research proposal within this field. Regarding geoscientific applications, the call is open; regarding data science methods, we envision contributions to the fields of uncertainty quantification, mathematical multiscale analysis, predictive and explorative simulations, computational and high-dimensional statistics, data integration, data profiling, heterogeneous data sources, and machine learning. We expect candidates to describe their own interdisciplinary data science research ideas within this framework highlighting the technical innovation in mathematics and computer science and its applicability to at least one Geo.X field (

Interdisciplinary Young Academy. With our Interdisciplinary Young Academy we offer a vibrant research environment that covers interinstitutional collaborations, interdisciplinary supervision, specialized training courses (e.g. summer schools, workshops, and seminars organized by peers) and soft skills training. In addition, an innovation forum will offer young scientists the opportunity to further develop their research results, making them available to the economy, the public sector and society. Our exchange and mentoring programmes will ease rapid integration into the international research community.

Applicants. PhD candidates should have strong skills in linear algebra, statistics, machine learning, or big data systems, proven by a MSc degree or equivalent in at least one of the following fields: Mathematics, Computer Science, (Geo-)Physics, or related fields. A clear affinity to data-driven and interdisciplinary research is mandatory. Postdocs must hold a PhD degree, possess interdisciplinary experiences (e.g. proven by previous projects) and provide a clear statement on an independent research programme. We highly encourage female candidates.

The website provides more information on

• the scientific framework of this call
• candidate requirements and online application procedure
• payment scheme for both PhDs and PostDoc positions

Candidate evaluation will begin after the application deadline on May 15th, 2017; with an anticipated start of projects on October 1st, 2017. Employment will take place according to the individual conditions of the institution (TU Berlin, FU Berlin, HU Berlin, University Potsdam) employing the selected candidate. All institutions are equal opportunity / affirmative action employers.


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