Aims and Scope
This Galileo conference aims to provide a discussion-driven meeting to facilitate knowledge transfer between fire science disciplines and to identify research needs to support fire management of the future. Leading fire experts together with scientists and stakeholders from the fire and forest policy and management domains will discuss in plenary and breakout sessions 1) new joint perspectives on key processes, drivers and impacts of fire in the natural and human-shaped environments and 2) identify major gaps in socially relevant and actionable knowledge to guide future fire research. Participants will preferably represent different fire disciplines, temporal and spatial scales, career phases and regional foci.
Main Themes
- Concepts in fire–vegetation–climate interactions
- Fire–climate–vegetation interactions across space and time
- Past human–fire relationships
- Pyrogenic carbon cycle
- Post-fire impacts on erosion and hydrological regimes
- Human fire management and fire science communication
Online Participation Options
This Galileo conference focusses on personal interdisciplinary exchange on fire impacts and management across scales and disciplines during an in-person meeting including a field trip day to recently burnt German forest. Registration is already closed, but livestreaming and online participation options are being organized for selected presentations.
Keynote presentations and selected short talks on 29-31 March 2022 will be livestreamed. For preregistration please write to and you'll receive the webinar link before the conference starts. Please see the attached flyer and for further information.
For more information, please visit the conference website.