Geo.X Career Day 2019

"Research-based job opportunities"

For scientists, the digital era promises interesting and purposeful new careers in data science, research in industry, innovation policies, research-based consulting or start-ups for designing a responsible future. But how much science is in data science, and how much academic freedom in industry research?

This career day is about considering research-based job opportunities close to academia. Experts will give you an idea how those careers can look like and what is required for a successful career move to these new fields of work. Take the opportunity to gather information, to present yourself with your skills and ideas and to network!

We provide free childcare for those attending the career day event. If you would like to use the free childcare service, please indicate it in the registration form.

Date: 7th of November 2019; 9.30 - 16.30

Venue: Luisenstraße 56, Humboldt University Berlin - Festsaal

Thanks for your great interest.
We are fully booked.
Registration is closed.

There is a fee for participating in the Career Day. Please transfer 10 Euro to the account mentioned in the registration form within 10 days after your registration, but no later than October 31st.

Please use your institutional Email address for registration! Private mail addresses cannot be accepted!


9.00 to 9.30
Pre-Program: Registration and welcome coffee

9.30 to 10.15
Keynote: New work and data careers
Chris Armbruster (The Drivery)
Lisa Rheinheimer (Geo.X)

10.15 to 12.15
Pitch training and presentations
Bianca Praetorius

12.15 to 13.00

13.00 to 15.00
Open Space: Table talks with experts

  • Science to Data Science
  • Research Data Management
  • Scientific Digital Infrastructure
  • Science to Consulting
  • Innovation Policies and Research
  • Research in Industry
  • Start-ups for designing a responsible future
  • Start-up Coaching

15.00 to 16.00
Sharing results, feedback of experts and wrap up

Network opportunities